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1992 Dodge RAM Pick UP Truck For Sale in Cornelius, NC

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1992 Ram Pick Up Truck Image
Classic Lady Motors
Call: 704-996-3735
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 180,000
Exterior Color Red
Stock # L120
Estimated Monthly Payment
$148 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Show Me The Carfax!

1992 Dodge RAM Pick UP Truck


The 1992 Dodge D150 was bult as a solid work truck and was designed to be more passenger friendly, a change from the work trucks of prior years. Its reliable performance and design helped to solidify Dodge?s reputation for the production of solid and reliable work vehicles.

This 1992 Dodge D150 Pick Up Truck is a great truck that rides with good performance. The red exterior is pretty and red is always popular. The body is straight, there is some rust on the rockers that will need repair. The bed is solid and looks great, appears to have a new bed liner.

The interior is in great shape. The red bench seat, dash, and door panels are in very good condition. All interior components present in very good condition. All glass is in great shape as well.

Engine is the original 3.9 Liter, 238 cubic inch and is paired with the factory manual transmission. Trans shifts smoothly, with ease. . The recent maintenance work done on this vehicle is a testament to its excellent condition - all belts and hoses have been replaced, along with rear brakes, rear brake lines, fan clutch, water pump, plugs, wires, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel lines, oil change, and antifreeze flush and refill.

The current owner has done a lot to this truck and does not have time to do all he would like to do. This pickup truck is great for someone who wants to enjoy their ride and slowly work on the truck to get it to show condition. Or, it is fine the way it is as the current owner has had a lot of fun driving it. It also makes a great work truck!

This 1992 Dodge D150 pickup is in the Charlotte area, about 15 miles north of the city, 20-25 minutes from the airport. It is available for viewing by appointment only.

· Mileage: 180,000
· Color: Red
Price: $8,500.
Mileage 180,000
Exterior Color Red
Stock # L120
Show Me The Carfax!
Estimated Monthly Payment
$148 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Classic Lady Motors
Call: 704-996-3735
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
Classic Lady Motors
Call 704-996-3735
Mention when you call.

Price: $8,500.
Offered for sale by
Classic Lady Motors
Call 704-996-3735
Mention when you call.

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