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1901 Benz 1886 Patent Motorwagen For Sale in Solon, OH

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1901 1886 Patent Motorwagen Image
Vintage Motor Cars
Call: 216-925-0149
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 1
Exterior Color Black With Burgundy Engine
Engine Other Other
Stock # 2230406
Estimated Monthly Payment
$973 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1901 Benz 1886 Patent Motorwagen


Available at When Karl Benz applied for a patent on January 29, 1886 for his vehicle with gas engine operation, little did he realize that his invention would change the world. Patent DRP 37435 is regarded as the birth certificate of the automobile. With test drives carried out in the autumn of 1885, the Benz Patent Motor Car was the world's first automobile. Exact in the tiniest details, this replica serves as the perfect centerpiece of any significant Mercedes-Benz collection or as brilliant static art in your home. The vehicle is drivable just as the original was and will delight both the driver and onlookers with its unique operation. It is both an homage and a unique opportunity to own an otherwise-unobtainable piece of history . . . the very first automobile. The finish work on this model is absolutely show-quality in every way. From the beautifully finished wood to the polished brass and flawless paintwork, it truly is a piece to be displayed as art even more than as a mode of transportation. Its fascinating to see the primitive ancestors of many components that we may still recognize today, including the carburetor, differential and a very early version of the CVT (constantly variable transmission). This exact black replica with burgundy engine was built by Bentley Engineering in the UK and is 1 of only 175 produced exclusively for Mercedes-Benz of America. Each Mercedes-Benz dealer was allocated only one to be displayed in their dealership in 2006 for the anniversary of the first Benz. It has no miles and has been housed in a private collection. This is a limited edition that is available for sale only infrequently. Dont miss this rare opportunity!

· Mileage: 1
· Color: Black With Burgundy Engine
Price: $55,900.
Mileage 1
Exterior Color Black With Burgundy Engine
Engine Other Other
Stock # 2230406
Estimated Monthly Payment
$973 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Vintage Motor Cars
Call: 216-925-0149
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
Vintage Motor Cars
Call 216-925-0149
Mention when you call.

Price: $55,900.
Offered for sale by
Vintage Motor Cars
Call 216-925-0149
Mention when you call.

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